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Drinking during the New Year is special. How do you drink wine?

TIME:2023-03-02POPULARITY:Author: 小编

The Chinese New Year has a unique and far-reaching meaning. No matter where you are, it is everyone's wish to go home and reunite. In the New Year, relatives and friends gather together, there is no atmosphere without wine, so drinking is an essential activity. Yuncang Winery's brand LEESON red wine sharing So, what wine to drink in the New Year, how to drink wine?

First of all, big fish and big meat are indispensable in festivals, and an aperitif to warm up the scene is essential. Let’s start with sparkling wine, champagne, which is very festive. Whether it is the joyful bubbles or the sour taste of champagne, it can stimulate the taste buds. If you don't have a standard champagne flute, you can use a regular white wine glass instead. It will have a better taste if it is slightly refrigerated before drinking. You can choose to put it in the refrigerator or ice bucket for 10-15 minutes.

Secondly, the brand LEESON red wine of Yuncang Winery can be shared with white wine. White wine is very suitable for food accompaniment. Like champagne, it should be lightly refrigerated or placed in an ice bucket for 10-15 minutes before drinking. Light taste and seafood dishes are suitable. Can be matched.

Next, drink red wine. If there are many people dining at the same time, prepare more than two bottles of different red wine, and each person has two wine glasses. The taste of red wine is best when drunk at around 16-18 degrees. Red wine can be drunk at room temperature or chilled for a few minutes before drinking. If you want to treat guests, it is best to open the wine before the guests come, taste the flavor and quality of the wine in advance, and find out whether the red wine needs to be decanted.


Do not drink too much on festivals, but you can prepare a few more bottles in case the wine is not in good condition and can be exchanged for wine, or people with a good capacity for alcohol are not enjoying themselves, and the shortage seems to be a disappointment.

Finally, Yuncang Winery’s brand LEESON red wine sharing is finished with sweet wine or fortified wine with higher alcohol content. If the previous drink is almost the same, tea, coffee or even plain water is also acceptable. What everyone pursues is to eat and drink well on a beautiful festival and celebrate the festival.
